The prokaryotes have a very large group of unicellular organisms. Prokaryotes includes eubacteria and archarebacteria. They are similar in some features and different in chemical composition.
Characteristic of Eubacteria
- Found everywhere on the earth like in the soil, water, living and non living organisms
- Cellwall is composed of peptidoglycan and muramic acid.
- Introns are absent
- Types: Gram positive , Gram negative
Characteristic of Archaebacteria
- Found in the extreme enevironment like in hot spring, ocean depth, salt brine etc
- Cellwall is composed of pseudopeptidoglycan
- Introns are present
- Types: Halophiles, Methanogens, Thermophiles
Example of EubacteriaÂ
- Bacillus
- Clostridium
- Escherichia coli
- Lactobacillus
- Mycobacteria
- Salmonella
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Sporohalobacter
- Yersinia pestis
Example of Archebacteria
- Ferroplasma
- Halobacterium
- Hermoplasma
- Methanococcus
- Methanobacterium formicum
- Pyrobaculum
- Pyrolobusfumarii
- Pyrococcus furiosus
- Sulfolobus acidocaldarius
- Thermoproteus