Example of Synonyms  - Easy English Lessons
  1. Abadon = Leave
  2. Abate = Decrease
  3. Abate = Diminish/ make less
  4. Abbreviate = Shorten/ Concise
  5. Abduct = Kidnap
  6. Abduct =Kidnap / Take away
  7. Abhor = Hate
  8. Abolish= Eliminate / Stop
  9. Abscond = Flee
  10. Absolute = Complete /Total
  11. Abstain = Desist / Refrain
  12. Absurd = Foolish
  13. Abundant = Plentiful
  14. Accidental =Chance/Unintentional
  15. Acclaim = Approval
  16. Action = Deed
  17. Adept = Proicient
  18. Adept = Skillful / Expert
  19. Adequate = Sufficient
  20. Adjourn = Postpone
  21. Adjourn = Postpone/ Suspend
  22. Admonish = Treaten
  23. Adorn = Decorate
  24. Adversity = Misfortune
  25. Adversity = Misfortune/ Calamity
  26. Affabl- Freindly
  27. Affluence = Wealth/ Prosperity
  28. Affluent = Wealthy
  29. Agile = Nimble/ Active
  30. Agitated = Restless
  31. Alacrity = Eagerness
  32. Alien= Unfamiliar/ Strange
  33. Allies = Friends
  34. Almost = Nearly
  35. Amateur – Novice
  36. Ambiguous – Doubtful
  37. Amend = Ameliorate
  38. Amiable=Lovable
  39. Ample = Spacious
  40. Anneal = Temper
  41. Applause = Praise
  42. Apposite = Suitable
  43. Appraise = Evaluate/ Estimate
  44. Aromatic = Fragrant
  45. Ascend = Soar
  46. Assail = Attack
  47. Attentive = Watchful
  48. Authentic =True / Reliable
  49. Avaricious = Greedy
  50. Awkward=Clumsy
  51. Banal = Boring/ Uninteresting
  52. Banish = Exile
  53. Banish= Deport/ Exile
  54. Barbarian = Uncivilised
  55. Barbarous = Cruel/ Brutal
  56. Barren = Sterile
  57. Barter = Exchange
  58. Bash = Strike
  59. Bashful = Shy
  60. Begin = Commence
  61. Belittle= Disparage
  62. Belligerent = Hostile
  63. Bemoan = Lament
  64. Benevolent = Humane
  65. Benevolent = Kind / Compassionate
  66. Benign = Kind / Benevolent
  67. Benign = Kindly
  68. Bizarre = Strange
  69. Blame= Condemn/ Reproach
  70. Bleak = Glooomy
  71. Blithe = Joyous
  72. Bondage = Slavery
  73. Bondage = Slavery / Captivity
  74. Boring = Tedious
  75. Brevity = Conciseeness
  76. Brief = Concise
  77. Buff = Enthusiast
  78. Burn = Char
  79. Calamity = Disaster
  80. Callous- nsensitive
  81. Camouflage – Hide
  82. Candid = Frank
  83. Candid= Frank/ Sincere
  84. Capricious – Unstable
  85. Care – Caution
  86. Catalogue= List
  87. Cautious = Careful
  88. Cautious = Careful /Watchful
  89. Cease = Stop
  90. Celibate- bachelor
  91. Censure = Criticism/ Disapproval
  92. Censure= Condemn
  93. Certain – Sure
  94. Chador- A loose robe
  95. Chaos = Disorder/ Confusion
  96. Charity – Benevolence
  97. Chaste = Pure
  98. Cheerful – Merry
  99. Chide= Rebuke, Scold
  100. Cite = Quote
  101. Civil = Polite
  102. Clandestne = Secret
  103. Clear – Lucid
  104. Coarse = Vulgar
  105. Cobvious= Clear
  106. Collect – Gather
  107. Colossal – Gigantic
  108. Colossal = Gigantic / Huge
  109. Colossus = Giant / Leviathan
  110. Combat = Fight
  111. Commemorate = remember
  112. Commence= To begin
  113. Comment- Remark
  114. Competence= Capability
  115. Complement = Accompaniment /Supplement
  116. Complied = Collected
  117. Compliment = Praise/ Tribute
  118. Conceal = Hide
  119. Conceal= Delitescence
  120. Concise – Short
  121. Concise = Short/ Brief
  122. Concord = Hamony
  123. Concur – Unite
  124. Condense – Digest
  125. Condense = Abbreviate/ Shorten
  126. Confidential = Secret
  127. Conjure- Invoke
  128. Console = Comfort
  129. Consolidate = Unite
  130. Conspicuous- Prominent
  131. Contemplative = Thoughtful
  132. Content- Happy
  133. Contrary = Opposite
  134. Contravene = Oppose
  135. Convetous – Envious/ Desirous/ Avarious
  136. Copious = Plentiful
  137. Coterie – Group
  138. Counsel = Advice
  139. Crafty= Cunning / Artful
  140. Craven – Cowardly
  141. Criterion = Standard
  142. Culpable = Guity
  143. Curiosity = inquisitiveness
  144. Curiosity = Inquisitiveness/Interest
  145. Cynical = Eccentric/ Pessimistic
  146. Dabbler = Beginner
  147. Damage= Harm / Loss
  148. Debauchery = Sin /Wickedness
  149. Deceive= Mislead
  150. Decorum = propriety
  151. Deference = Respect
  152. Defined = Demarcated
  153. Deft = Adept
  154. Deify = Worship
  155. Delightful= Charming
  156. Delrious = insane
  157. Demand = Require
  158. Demise = End
  159. Deny = Reject / Disagree
  160. Despises = Hates
  161. Diffident = Shy / Hesitant
  162. Dig = Excavation /Unearth
  163. Dignitary = Official
  164. Diligent = Industrious
  165. Diluted= Weakened
  166. Diminish = Reduce/ Lessen
  167. Disburse = Pay out
  168. Disclose = EXPOSE
  169. Disgust = Dislike
  170. Dismal = Poor
  171. Disparity = Unlikeness
  172. Disputatious = Argumentative
  173. Disrupt = Interrupt
  174. Dissipate = Scatter /waste
  175. Dissolute = Immoral
  176. Distress = Depresssion
  177. Divvy = Pioneer
  178. Docile = Gentle Obedient
  179. Docility = Tameness/ Meekness
  180. Drift = Move aimlessly
  181. Dubious = Doubtful
  182. Economy = Cheap / Budget
  183. Efmuence = Contamination/ Pollution
  184. Elicit = Discover/ Draw out
  185. Eloquence = Fluency
  186. Elude = Escape
  187. Emancipate = Liberate
  188. Embararass = Discomfit
  189. Embezzle = Misuse/Misappropriate
  190. Embrace =Clasp / Hold
  191. Emigrate = Leave /Travel
  192. Emulate = Imitate
  193. Encore Repeat / Extra
  194. Encounter = Meet / Come across
  195. Endeavour = Attempt
  196. Endure = Tolerate
  197. Enervated= Weakened
  198. Enigma = Mystery
  199. Enormous= Huge/ Vast
  200. Enthusiastic = Excited
  201. Enticed = Tempated
  202. Ephemeral = Momentary
  203. Eradicate = Expunge
  204. Erroneous = Incorrect
  205. Essential = Crucial
  206. Ethnic = Racial
  207. Examine= Survey
  208. Excel = Surpadd
  209. Exemplary – Admirable
  210. Exhilaration = Joyful
  211. Exhort = Strongly advise
  212. Explode = Burst
  213. Extant= Existent
  214. Extravagant = Spendthrift/Wasteful
  215. Extricate = Free / Disconnect
  216. Fabulous= Handsome
  217. Facsimile= Exact copy
  218. Fade = Wither
  219. Fastidious= Choosy
  220. Fatal= Lethal / Mortal
  221. Fear= Alarm
  222. Feeble= Weak/ Frail
  223. Felicity= Happiness
  224. Festal= Merry
  225. Feud = Wuarrel
  226. Fficitous = Imaginative
  227. Fidelty = Loyality
  228. Fluke= Stroke
  229. Fooolish Fatal = Deadly
  230. Forlorn= Uncared
  231. Foster= Promote
  232. Fradulence= Corruption
  233. Fragce= Scent
  234. Fragile= Delicate/ Brittle
  235. Frigid= Cold
  236. Frivolous = Silly / Playful
  237. Frivolous= Silly
  238. Frugal= Careful
  239. Fury= Anger/ Wrath
  240. Futile= Vain
  241. Gaffe = Blunder
  242. Gaiety = Joy
  243. Gainsay = Contradict
  244. GARNER = Collect
  245. Garrulous = Talkative
  246. Garrulous= Talkative/ Chatty
  247. Gauche = Awkward
  248. Gawk = Stare
  249. Gaze Stare/ Peer
  250. Generous = Liberal
  251. Germane= Relevant
  252. Gobble= Gulp/ Swallow
  253. Gooey = Dentimental
  254. Gratify= Pacify
  255. Grotesque = Ridiculous /Unpleasant
  256. Guile= Cunning
  257. Gullible = Credulous Trustful
  258. Haggle = Bargain
  259. Handsome = Gorgeous/ Stunning
  260. Hasty = Hurried
  261. Hatred = Contempt
  262. Haughtiness= Arrogance/Superiority
  263. Haughty = Arrogant
  264. Haughty = Proud /Arrogant
  265. Hazard = Danger / Risk
  266. Hedge = Evade
  267. Hinder = Obstruct
  268. Hold= Grasp
  269. Holy = Sacred
  270. Holy =Sacred/ Divine
  271. Hostile = Aggressive/ Violent
  272. Hostile = Unfriendly
  273. Humane = Kind
  274. Humility = Modesty / Reserve
  275. Hurt = Ache
  276. Ideal =Supreme/ Ultimate
  277. Ideal= Perfect
  278. Identify = Recognize
  279. Idiocy = Stupidity / Silliness
  280. Imagine = Visualize
  281. Immaculate= Pure
  282. Imminent = Forthcoming/ Pending
  283. Impasse = Stalemate
  284. Impertinent = Impudent / Disrespectful
  285. Inadvertent = Involuntary / Chance
  286. Incessant= Unending
  287. Income= Earning
  288. Indigenous= Native
  289. Indolence = Idleness
  290. Indomitable= Invincible
  291. Infallible= Perfect
  292. Ingenuous = Frank
  293. Ingenuous= Innocent/ Sincere
  294. Injure= Wound
  295. Insane= Mad
  296. Insolence = Impudence /Disrespect
  297. Inspid= Flat
  298. Integrity = Honesty 
  299. Interesting= Fascinating
  300. Interrogated= Questioned
  301. Inveterate= Habitual
  302. Irk = Annoy
  303. Jaunty = Cheerful
  304. Jeopardy= danger
  305. Jeremiad = Trouble
  306. Job = Postion
  307. Jolly = Merry / Cheerful
  308. Jovial= Cheerful
  309. Joyous =Jolly/ Elated
  310. Jubilant=Triumphant / Proud
  311. Judious= Wise
  312. Juvenile= Young
  313. Kindle = Burn/ Spark
  314. Kindle= Ignite
  315. Kinship= Afinity /Relationship
  316. Laborious = Tiresome
  317. Laborious= Hard
  318. Lament = Grieve
  319. Lament= Mourn / Grieve
  320. Latent= Concealed
  321. Legtimate= Lawful
  322. Lenient = Merciful
  323. Lenient= Compassionate/Merciful
  324. Lethal= Deadly
  325. Liberal= Generous
  326. Liberal= Generous/ Copious
  327. Lid = Cap
  328. Linger= Delay
  329. Loyal= Faithful 
  330. Luck = Fortune
  331. Lucrative= Profitable
  332. Ludicrous= Foolish
  333. Malaise= illness
  334. Malice =Hatred/ Spite
  335. Malign= Slander
  336. Manifest = Obvious/ Evident
  337. Manifest= Display
  338. Massacre= Slaughter
  339. Masterpiece = Work of genius /Greatest work
  340. Meager = Scanty / Insufficient
  341. Melancholy = Sad /Depressed
  342. Mercy = Pity
  343. Mighlt= Strong
  344. Mitigate = Alleviate / Lessen
  345. Modest= Intelligent
  346. Mourn =Grieve / Lament
  347. Mourning== Grief
  348. Muddle =Confound/ Perplex
  349. Mundane= Ordinary / Dull
  350. Mundane= Worldly
  351. Mutation = Modification
  352. Naked = Bare
  353. Naughty = Disobedient / Bad
  354. Nepotism = Discrimination
  355. Niggard = Miser
  356. Nonchalance= Indifference
  357. Nostalgic= Homesick
  358. Notice = Observe
  359. Notorious = Infamous/Disreputable
  360. Nourish = Feed / Nurture
  361. Nugatory = Worthless
  362. Nullify = Cancel
  363. Numious = Divine
  364. Obligatory= Required
  365. Obscene = Indecent
  366. Obsolete = Ancient / Extinct
  367. Obstinate = Stubborn /Adamant
  368. Obstinate = Stuburn
  369. Obvious= Clear / Evident
  370. Odious= Hateful / Horrible
  371. Opaque= Cloudy
  372. Opulence = Richness
  373. Ortray = Draw
  374. Ostentatious= Showy
  375. Overjoyed= Jubilant
  376. Overstrung= Sensitive
  377. Pageant = Show
  378. Partial= Biased
  379. Pastime=Recreation
  380. Patron= Champion
  381. Peer = Equal
  382. Peerless= Matchless
  383. Penchant= Liking
  384. Perilous= Dangerous
  385. Perilous= Dangerous/ Unsafe
  386. Perplex= Baffle/ Confuse
  387. Pester = Disturb
  388. Picturesque = Charming/ Attractive
  389. Pique =irrirate
  390. Piuos= Holy
  391. Pivotal = Crucial
  392. Placid = Clam
  393. Pleasant = Lovely / Enjoyable
  394. Pleothora= Abundance
  395. Plesant= Cheerful
  396. Plethora = Excess / Surplus
  397. Plush= Luxurious
  398. PoW WOW = Meting
  399. Prattle = Chattel
  400. Predict = Foretell
  401. Presume= Suppoe
  402. Pride = Vanity
  403. Principle= Norm / Standard
  404. Prisoner = Hostage
  405. Procure = Obtain
  406. Prodigal = Reckless/Extravagant
  407. Profound= Deep
  408. Profuse= lavish
  409. Prohibit= Ban / forbid
  410. Proliferate= Generate
  411. Prolific = Fertile
  412. Promulgate =Proclaim
  413. Proscribe= Banish
  414. Pseudo= Bogus
  415. Pseudonym = False name / Penname
  416. Purpose = Intention
  417. Qualm =Doubt/ Misgiving
  418. Queer = Strange/ Odd
  419. Quell = Suppress
  420. Quest =Search / Pursuit
  421. Quick = Sudden /Instant
  422. Quiescent = Calm / Inactive
  423. Quirk = Sudden / Instant
  424. Quiver = Shiver
  425. Rattle = Clatter/ Jangle
  426. Read = Peruse/ Examine
  427. Rear = Back
  428. Rebuke= Scold
  429. Recalcitrant = Refractory/Disobedient
  430. Recalcitrant= Disobedient
  431. Recalim = Recover
  432. Recede = Withdraw/ Retreat
  433. Refrain = Abstain
  434. Relied = Depended
  435. Renaissance = Rebirth/ Resurgence
  436. Renown= Fame
  437. Report = Account
  438. Rigid = Firm/ Stiff
  439. Rigid = Stiff
  440. Rime = Frost/ Ice
  441. Rival = Competitor
  442. Robust= Healthy
  443. Royal = Regal
  444. Rude = Insolent
  445. Ruin =Destruction/ Wreckage
  446. Sagacious = Wise / Learned
  447. Sagacity = Wisdom
  448. Salent= Prominent
  449. Sane = Rational/ Sensible
  450. Sanguine = Optimistic
  451. Satiate = Gratify /Satisfy
  452. Satisfaction= Content
  453. Savage = Wild
  454. Scam = Cheat /Trick
  455. Scam =Swindle
  456. Scold = Rebuke
  457. Scold = Rebuke / Reproach
  458. Segregate = Seaparate
  459. Serene = Calm
  460. Serene = Tranquil/ Calm
  461. Shallow = Narrow / Thin
  462. Shout = Yell
  463. Simultaneous = Concurrent
  464. Slake= Quench
  465. Slander = Defame
  466. Slander =Insult/ Defame
  467. Sleep = Slumber
  468. Sloppy = Carless
  469. Smear= Mark
  470. Sordid = Dirty, Squalid
  471. Souvenir = Momento
  472. Sovereign = Autonomous / Independent
  473. Sozzled = Drunk
  474. Spacious= Large
  475. Speech = Lecturer
  476. Spite = Malice
  477. Sporadic = Irregular
  478. Spread = Disperse/ Scatter
  479. Spurious= Fake
  480. Stale = Old
  481. Stalemate = Deadlock
  482. Stringeent = Strict
  483. Succuelent = Juicy
  484. Sumptuous = Expensive
  485. Sundry = Several
  486. Supervene = Interfere
  487. Sustain = Suport
  488. Suurender = Submission
  489. Swell = Expand
  490. Sycophant= Flatterer
  491. Synopsis = Precis
  492. Tacit = Silent
  493. Taint = Stigma
  494. Temporary = Provisional / Momentary
  495. Tentative= Provisional
  496. Thrive= Flourish/ Prosper
  497. Timid = Fearful / Nervous
  498. Tiresome= Boring
  499. Tolerate = Endure / Bear
  500. Toletrate = Endure
  501. Torpid =Sluggish
  502. Transient= Temporary
  503. Twitch = Jerk/ Bump
  504. Tyranny = Cruelty
  505. Ultimate= Final
  506. Ultra virus = Extreme/ Beyond one's legal power
  507. Unison = Harmony /Agreement
  508. Urge = Impulse / Longing
  509. Utility= Effectiveness/ Efficacy
  510. VAGUE = Uncertain
  511. Valiant = Fearless
  512. Vanguard =Led
  513. Varate-Scold, Criticize
  514. Vendatta = Feud, Quarrel
  515. Venial = Pardonable
  516. Vent = Opening
  517. Venture = Risk
  518. Veracity = Truth / Accuracy
  519. Vestge = Evidence
  520. Veteran= Expert/ Proficient
  521. Vexed = Annoyed
  522. Vigilance = Alertness/ Watchfulness
  523. Vilify = Defame
  524. Vindicate = Justify
  525. Vindicate = Justify/ Claim
  526. Vindicatte = Revengeful
  527. Voracious = Hungry
  528. Vulgar = Coarse
  529. Vulpine= Crafty
  530. Wary = Cautious
  531. Weary= Tired/ Exhausted
  532. Welter= Confusion
  533. Whet = Sharpen/ Grind
  534. Whimper = Cry
  535. Whimsical = Odd / Fanciful
  536. Whirl = Turn
  537. Wholesome= Healthy
  538. Wild =Remote/ Isolated
  539. Winsome= Charming
  540. Wrangle= Dispute
  541. Wrath = Anger
  542. Zeal = Passion
  543. Zenith = Height
  544. Zest – Fervour

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