-  Ab initio- From the beginning
- Ante Meridiem- Before noon
- Ad hoc- Formed or created with special purpose
- Ad interim – In the mean time or temporarily
- Ad infinitum- Endlessly
- Alma mater – Formerly attended school or college
- Ad valorem – According to value
- A prima vists- At first sight
- Au fait- Having a good or detailed knowledge
- Al fresco- in the open air
- Au fond- At the bottom
- Anno domini—In the year of the Lord
- Anno mundi- In the year of the world
- Bona fide- Sincere/ In good faith/Genuine
- Bon voyage- To wish a good journey
- Bon vivant- A person with a sociable and luxurious life style
- Bete noire- A person or thing one
- Bon mot- A clever remark
- Carpe diem – Enjoy the present
- Carte blanche – Full power/ the complete freedom to act
- Coup d’etat- The sudden overthrow of a government replace
the leading figures
- Cuisine- A style of cooking
- Coup de grace – A final blow to mercifully kill a wounded
person or animal
- Compos menis – Having full control of one’s mind
- Coup de main – A sudden surprise attack
- De gratia- By the grace of God
- Dies non- A day on which no legal business can be done
- Deo volente – God willing
- De facto- In fact or reality
- En masse- In a mass or crowd
- En bloc- Altogether or completely
- En route- on the way
- En passant- By the way
- Ex officio – By virtue of one’s position or status
- Ex gratia- Given as a favour
- Eureka-i have it
- Euthanasia- The painless killing of patient suffering from an
incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma.
- Exempli gratia(e.g)-For example
- Ex post facto- After the event
- Ex tempore- Without preparation
- Ex parte- In the interest on one side only
- Etc- Etcetera
- Felo de se- Suicide
- Force majeure- Superior strenth
- Faux pas- A false step or n embarrassing blunder
- Facsimile- exact copy
- Hotel –Dieu- A hospital
- In toto- Entirely
- In camera- In private
- Impasse- A deadlock
- In situ- In the original or appropriate position
- Lingua franca- Any language spoken or understtod by various
people over a wide area
- Locus standi- Th right to appeaar before a court
- Modus operandi- Method of operation
- Mala fide- In bad faith or intention
- Mot juste- The most appropriate word
- Modus vivendi- The way of living
- Manque- Having failed to fulfil the ambitions
- Noel- Christmas
- Opus magnum- a great work or composition or masterpiece
- Pro rata- Proportional
- Per annum- Per year
- Per capita- Each person
- Per centum- By the hundred
- Prime facie- At first sight
- Quid pro quo-Â favour
or advantage given in return for something
- Status quo- The existing state or condition
- Suis generis- Unique
- Sub judice- Before a judge or court
- Sine die- Indefinitely
- Ultra vines- Beyond one’s powers
- Vox populi- Voice of the people
- Via media- A middle way or compromise
- Verboten- Forbidden
- Vice versa- Inversely
- Verbatim- Corresponding word for word
- Vis-a vis- Face to face