Abandon – Leave
- Abduct – Take away
- Absurd- Foolish
- Acute- Sharp
- Acuity- Keenness
- Adjourn- Postpone
- Adversity- Disaster
- Affiliate- Associate
- Affright-Frighten
- Alacrity- Eagerness
- Alien- Exotic
- Ambiguous- Doubtful, Unclear
- Ameliorate – Improve
- Amicable- Friendly
- Amiable- Lovable
- Ample- Spacious
- Applause- Praise
- Aromatic -Fragrant
- Ascend- Soar
- Assail- Attack
- Assuage- Relieve
- Attentive-Watchful
- Authentic – True
- Avaricious- Greedy
- Barren- Sterile
- Behaviour- Deportment
- Benevolent-helpful, Generous
- Benign- Kindly
- Brevity – Conciseness
- Brief-Concise
- Cautious- Careful
- Chador- A Loose Robe
- Change-Alter
- Chide-Scold
- Chivalry-Heroism
- Colossus- Gigantic
- Colour-Shade, Hue, Nuance
- Commence- To Begin
- Complacent- Self Satisfied
- Conceal- Delitescence
- Contravene- Oppose
- Conversant - Familiar
- Curiosity-Inquisitiveness
- Cynosure- Centre Of Attraction
- Derisive- Contemptuous
- Disgrace- Ignominy
- Disgust- Dislike
- Dismal- Gloomy
- Disrespect – Irreverence
- Docile-Gentle
- Drown -sink
- Embezzle-Misappropriate
- Enmity – Hostility
- Enormous-Huge, Giant, Immense
- Ephemeral-Momentary
- Expiry- Termination
- Fast-Quick
- Feeble –Weak
- Fight –Fray
- Flout – To treat with contempt
- Fragrance- Scent
- Frivolous-Silly
- Guile-Cunning
- Hatred-Contempt
- Hiatus – Gap
- Holy-Sacred
- Hostile-Unfriendly
- Hotly –passionately
- Impertinent- Impudent, Disrespectful
- Innocent- Ingenuous
- Integrity-Honesty
- Interrogated- Questioned
- Joyous- Blissful, Elated, Euphoric
- Jubilant- Exultant
- Kind Hearted- Benevolent
- Lethal-deadly
- Liberal- Generous
- Ludicrous- Foolish
- Manifest-Display
- Mild – Gentle
- Modest- Shy, Silent, Timid
- Mucilage-Gum
- Overjoyed-Jubilant
- Peer-Equal, Peep
- Pleasant- Cheerful
- Plethora-Abundance
- Predict-Foretell
- Prophesy – Foretell
- Quiver- Shiver
- Recalcitrant-Disobedient
- Recollect - Remember
- Recreation- Amusement
- Renaissance- Rebirth
- Rude- Impolite
- Serious –Grave
- Stand up- get up
- Synopsis-precis
- Terrific –Great
- Turn down -Refuse
- Umbrageous-Shady
- Vacillate – Waver mentally
- Valour- Courage