A family of about 85 genera and 1000 to 1500 species. The plants are abundantly seen in the tropics and a few are natives of the temperate regions of the old world. Very few of them inhabit cold regions. The family is recognised by Hibiscus rosa sinesis (China rose)
Example of Malvaceae Plants:
- Adansonia digitata
- Abutilon indicum
- Â Abelmoschus esculentus
- Althrea rosea
- Bombax malabaricum
- Ceiba pentandra
- Gossypium (Cotton plant)
- Hibiscus
- Kydia calycina
- Malachra capitata
- Malvaviscus arborea
- Pavonia
- Sida
- Thespesia popuinea
- Urena lobata